Dr. Nadia Cheaib is Doctor in Pharmacy and medical sciences from France. She started by founding in 2002, ClinServ, the pioneer comprehensive CRO of the MEA, after 7 years as heads departments experience in international CRO in France. Then ClinServ became the first sister of the Holding family ClinGroup, after creating Clinpharm for health logistics solutions, Clinfo1T for health projects management & post marketing solutions, ClinAcademy for professional trainings & Diplomas, QSI for quality & digital innovation & Franchising solutions, and many spin off since. The group, covering today over 60 countries in terms of activities and operations, with over 500 international sustainable customers, is also pioneer in social responsibility in the Arab world, through its foundation Hope MCF named after Dr. Cheaib father legacy. Hope MCF is partner of the league of Arab states and union of Arab chambers of commerce on key initiatives taken by the trio with annual sustainable programs, in terms of social responsibility and women empowerment especially women health.