Zenia Makki bio – Zeina Makki is a highly accomplished Lebanese actress, celebrated for her versatility and captivating performances. Born and raised in Kuwait, Zeina embarked on a remarkable journey that led her to become a prominent figure in the Lebanese entertainment industry. Her passion for the arts and her unwavering determination to pursue her dreams have defined her career. Zeina Makki’s artistic journey began in 2008 when she relocated to Lebanon to pursue her higher education. She enrolled in the esteemed Communication Arts program, specializing in scriptwriting and directing. Her studies provided her with a solid foundation in the technical aspects of filmmaking and storytelling, setting the stage for her future success. In 2011, Zeina achieved critical acclaim and international recognition for her documentary “Bent not Broken,” which chronicled her personal journey with Scoliosis. The thought-provoking film earned her the prestigious Best Short Documentary award at the renowned Monaco Film Festival. Through her work, Zeina not only showcased her talent as a filmmaker but also demonstrated her courage and resilience in the face of adversity. Beyond her acting prowess, Zeina Makki is known for her unwavering dedication to her craft and her commitment to raising awareness about important social issues. She utilizes her platform to shed light on topics close to her heart, seeking to inspire and empower others through her work.