
Oil & Gas Industries are racing to digitize their operations to support new levels of productivity and efficiency. According to McKinsey, effective use of digital technologies, such as cloud, the Internet of Things (IoT), mobility, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), big data, and analytics could cut capital expenditure by up to 20 percent.

Industry executives will share their views on how they are optimizing their operations through automation, embedding data & AI & hybrid cloud infrastructure. We will also discuss how it will help them to cut costs, drive efficiency and better their performance? Lastly, we will also find out in what ways they are mitigating challenges & obstacles faced by the industry through these digital technologies.

Hear this thought-provoking conversation on how innovation can meet the energy demands of tomorrow.


Eddy Abboud


GBM Oman

Nasser Saif Nasser Al-Mahrooqi

Petroleum Data & Analytics Manager

Petroleum Development Oman

Shoaib Niyazi

Industry Leader - Energy, Utilities, Natural Resource & Industrial Manufacturing

IBM Middle East and Africa (MEA)

Yaqoub Al-Maktoumi

Head of Digital Transformation


Jessy El Murr

Certified Media Trainer & Digital Journalist

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    Forbes Middle East is a licensee of Forbes Media and extends the Forbes brand of journalism across the Arab world. Forbes Middle East’s distinctive editorial style attracts a readership of Arab leaders, entrepreneurs, C-level executives, government officials and investors united by a belief in the spirit of free enterprise and entrepreneurial values.Across the region, Forbes Middle East sets the pace for preemptive business journalism. By uncovering trends and anticipating opportunities in the regional marketplace, each monthly issue brings top executives the information critical to their success – in both Arabic and English language editions. The magazine researches and publishes original rankings, based on methodologies set by Forbes Media.

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