A leading authority in the field of Islamic Banking & Finance, Dr. Adnan Chilwan is widely seen as a driver of change and innovation and a key figure in
the progression of this segment which is quickly evolving into a global phenomenon. A seasoned banker with a career spanning nearly three decades
across reputed conventional and Islamic banks in the region, he currently serves as the Group Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Islamic Bank, the world’s
first Sharia compliant player and the largest Islamic Bank in UAE. With Group assets in excess of nearly USD 80bln, a market capitalization of over USD
10bln, and workforce of more than 10,000 employees across a vast network of branches and entities in all emirates as well as growing international
operations in Asia, Middle East and Africa, he leads an organization which is fast being recognized as a formidable force in Islamic Finance and one of
the most progressive institutions in the world today.
He has played a key role in the transformation of the organization that he leads, into what is today undoubtedly seen as a modern and progressive
face of Islamic finance. He is also widely recognized for his contribution to the development and advancement of the industry and for his efforts in
driving the globalization of Islamic Finance to the established standing it enjoys today.